Comprehensive email security that adapts to your context

Other email security solutions operate like black boxes, filtering and analyzing emails without offering real insight into their decision-making, leaving you to merely react to past attacks. With xorlab, you get a platform that continuously learns and automatically adapts security policies to stop new and evolving threats at first sight.

Adaptive Policies with xorlab


Automatically filter emails based on their risk relative to your context.



Gain visibility into communication patterns and relationships.



Continuously minimize email attack surface with adaptive security policies.



Automatically analyze and triage internal email incident reports.

xorlab is one of the rare cybersecurity solutions that enhance security and reduce cost. Plus: it lets our employees contribute to our defense at no extra cost by automating abuse reports.

Michael Meli Chief Information Security Officer, Bank Julius Bär

By standardizing and automating our workflow for user-reported emails with xorlab, we were able to improve reaction time and free up valuable analyst time.

Daniel Besmer Security Analyst, Zürcher Kantonalbank

The immediate Return on Investment is striking. By activating xorlab, our reported phishing dropped 60% overnight.

Dominic Alber Head of Cyber Defense, Vontobel

Adding xorlab to our stack has been a game-changer for me. xorlab's sophisticated, relationship-based threat detection engine not only stops unknown threats but also maintains an impressively low rate of false positives.

Alexander Bösch Former Chief Information Security Officer, Implenia AG

Our employees used to receive a lot of VIP fraud emails and ​the risk of getting hit by ransomware was considerable. Not anymore. xorlab helped me to significantly mitigate two of our major security risks.

Peter Kohler Chief Information Security Officer, Netcetera

The email security platform that evolves with you

Your all-in-one platform to automatically reduce attack surface, minimize third-party vendor risk, and stop zero-hour email threats. Whether your email is cloud, hybrid, or on-prem, we’ve got you covered.

xorlab Security Platform

Chosen by the security teams with highest protection needs

xorlab with its rich user interface provides us with the necessary insights to our daily email traffic and empowers us to immediately react to new threats. Fast searching capabilities and a powerful filtering engine allow for quick analysis and a target-oriented response.

Daniel Besmer Security Analyst, Zürcher Kantonalbank

See xorlab in action

Talk to one of our experts and discover the possibilities to bring your email security to the next level.

Schedule 1:1 demo